As I struggled to remember my password my dishwasher is running and I still haven't gotten the install pictures online to inspire y'all with my diy geniusness. I did have to add a new electrical box and some inventive plumbing work while I attempted to make out the many different pieces that make up a sink drain. Yes I did use y'all in type.....that is a lot for this previous northener to admit to! The past year has been busy but I have been honing my crafty talents with lots of hits and misses and sometimes pure luck made greatness.
It's taken 3 months since I started this post but I am finally getting this live on here...and am struggling finding the happy medium to blogging and crafting without my entire life getting overrun. I need to find the pictures I took of when I first bought my house but these will have to do for now. For 4 years I lived without a dishwasher and dishwashing was and still is my least favorite thing to do.
There it is the sink side of my walk in back out kitchen. And shows a little bit of my chalkboard door....I urge you to take the leap and go a little crazy and make one for will love it! This is a great place for spelling word practice and chore lists. The problem with chalk is that is does leave dust on the floor so be certain you are ok with this and remember not to put the white rug anywhere near the chalkboard. I had to learn this the hard way!
The missing drawer front was attached at one time, but a little sibling rivalry and drawer slamming caused it to fly off. I did try to repair this but within a few hours the drawer front was once again off and being used as a sword to whack the side of the house. Little boys are so much fun and inventive, and at times destructive especially when sisters and kitchen drawers are involved!
So after purchasing a very snazzy stainless steel dishwasher I had a problem...I had to remove a cabinet to install the dishwasher. So the cabinet that seemed logical would be the sad missing drawer front cabinet...I figured that this would be easy. Not the case as it was loaded down with all the items that your not certain why you actually save.
Things like plastic plates and barware that people think you need but you never actually use. I love my mother but she has a way of filling my house with useless stuff. She has gottne better in recent years but I still have the stuff to prove that she was terrible at one time, and maybe I will still use these items.

And my sweet helper is dilligently unloading the cabinet and placing all things on the kitchen floor after which he disappeared. leaving the mess and an empty cabinet that the cat definately liked to lay in, but I was not so fond of his newfound place to sleep.
Once the cabinet was empty it was time to remove the cabinet from under the countertop and my helpers were suppose to be the photogs and they failed miserably. So I will have to explain in as much detail as I can. First remove the trim pieces from the base of the my case they were on the front and sides and I removed the entire section and have yet to put them back on. Next you are going to have to determine the depth of your flooring because you are going to have to pull the cabinet up over this to get it out. So unscrew the cabinet from the wall and side cabinet, in my case only 1 side had a cabinet and there was a screw at the top and bottom on the inside....I suggest a drill here as the screws are terribly long...but at the time I didn't have a drill so I used a screwdriver and it took forever. I also had to yank the countertop up in order to break it free from the wall so I could lift the cabinet up over the wood...uh plastic wood....floors. Once the cabinet was out I took notes of what I needed as there was no outlet much like I suspected and took a quick trip to the large home improvement store that I frequent and got the electrical and plumbing stuff that I thought I needed. I found that a photo of the undersink plumbing helped as I was collecting pieces being certain to match the diameter of the pipes.
Be certain to shut off the breaker that you are going to add the new junction box and wiring to, in my case it's the kitchen gfci outlet. I also chose to update my gfci outlet as the one that was there didn't always work well when I tested it. I confess I do not test the gfci outlets in my home monthly as suggested but on occassion I do push the test button just for fun and to mess with the kids. Once the breaker was off I cut the new hole and added the box behind where the dishwasher is going, fed the wire from the existing box into the new retrospect feed wire down from the existing box and put it through the hole in the new j box prior to installing the box as your life will be much easier. Match up the wire colors and add wire nuts (I also tape them with electrical tape becasue I am paranoid) and screw the outlets into place. It is very important to test the outlet prior to placing the dishwasher in the opening, I use my hairdryer, but anything will work. Once I was certain the electric was sufficiently working I pushed the dishwasher almost into place and set about doing the plumbing.
Plumbing was basically putting the pieces together for the addition of the dishwasher drain and the scary part piercing the supply line for the water service for the dishwasher. Then it was all about pushing everything in and finishing up the install. Then pushing the button to turn it on for the first time....this is when my heart stops and time almost stands still!