I love all the chalk paint pieces that I see floating around, but nothing is more exciting for me than running my fingers across perfectly smooth glossy paint. So awhile back I set about refinishing an ugly brown dresser that was left in the barn when my parents bought their house....I wish I had a picture of its ugliness. I picked out the prettiest pale pink I could find for the finish as I had intended the dresser for my Princess' room. I sanded and sanded then carefully painted the entire dresser, then I put polyurethane on the dresser. Ugh within 2 days there was this horrible yellow film all over the dresser.....apparently the kind I bought didn't work well over latex paint. The glossy yellow speckled ugliness has been in use and I pretend it doesn't exist!

Ignore the mirror and look at the dresser.... yellow....Yuck! Does this sound like something you have done...if not please learn from me as sanding, repairing, and painting is a huge time waster if your final piece looks worse than the before picture. Even after mishaps I continue and hopefully learn along the way.
I did not learn my lesson give up and did refinish the mirror above the dresser and I adore it!
The story of the mirror will be next up so stay tuned.
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